This contest has finished. Congratulations to the winning designer Alziki Abd Elaziz
Background information
Name to incorporate in the logo
Be Pro Funded
Slogan to incorporate in the logo
Description of the organization and its target audience
We help forex trader to get funded (prop firm company)
BPF is a project which is looking for experienced traders. To ascertain if a trader has all the qualities we seek, we developed a 2-step evaluation course. These two steps consist of the BPF Challenge and the Verification. The course is specifically tailored to discover talent within a trader. The path of a trader is challenging, and our educational applications, account analysis and performance coach are here to guide our traders. Upon successful completion
, traders are offered a placement in the BPF Proprietary Trading firm, where they can remotely manage up to 400,000 USD
and continuously grow the account according to our Scaling Plan. As an BPF Trader, you are eligible to keep up to 90% of the profits you generate. Our company covers all losses, if any.
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.