This novel is the sequel to “Remember Love’s Smile”, whose book cover I had previously designed. The story is about the intriguing influence that a small town in southwestern Italy has on four vacationing Americans.
My starting point was the map of Italy, used as a background where all the other “objects” are placed. The most challenging part of this decision was determining where each detail should appear, to keep the three most important locations visible: Venice, Rome and Ricigliano. The idea of the little pin flags to mark them made the design more real, but also clearer.
In addition to an image where the four characters are presented on a canvas, one of the requirements was to include the painting of “Fumo”, a Lucanian goat. In order to accurately represent this unique character, I did research on this specific breed.
The main image on the back is a detail of a real painting created by Anne Marie Cina, who granted permission to the author to include it on the cover.