This book, “On Your Mark, Get Set, INVEST! A Kid’s Guide to Saving Money, Spending Wisely, and Investing in the Stock Market” is targeted towards kids (ages 8-12) and their parents. It can be classified as a sort of mix between a nonfiction self-help and an educational book for children.
The challenge was to illustrate financial concepts, designing a fun interior layout to keep kids engaged and focused on the subjects presented.
In addition to various financial themes and advices, the book incorporates worksheets, chapter summaries and the story of the “Thrifty Tortoise vs Ritzy Rabbit” race. These two funny characters and scenes were created by the talented Adrian Doan Kim, who also designed the book cover. I did all the other illustrations while creating the internal layout, to better balance all the elements and achieve a consistent look throughout the book.
The entire project was very engaging and fun to work with, helped by the excellent communication with the author.