This project was made to create all the elements of the first title in the “Is it true?” book series: cover design, layout/typesetting and all illustrations.
The series is designed to help children going through hard life experiences, by teaching them how to take ownership over their thoughts and feelings.
After some sketches and ideas about each character’s appearance, their personality was found. I gave them a cute and friendly look, but without the lines of a very childish drawing, mainly due to the large age range of the readers.
Although all illustrations were created digitally, I used textures that relate them to the “traditional drawings” made on paper. Some simulate watercolors, others look more like colored pencils. This lends a certain innocence to the images, which help to lighten the story’s theme: Divorce.
I avoided dark tones for the same reason. Keeping the colors vibrant, but not too strong, also made the text stand out to better convey such important messages.