This design was created for a short eBook by Iben Martell with two novels in the erotica genre. As it belongs to the same collection of the first book “Die zehn Vorteile des Schleiers” (The ten Advantages of the Veil), it was important to keep a consistent graphic line.
Therefore, it was used the same concept of a face partly covered, where the glance at the viewer becomes the central point of attention. This concept helps to transmit a certain audacity and sensuality, but it is also a mysterious approach by not revealing the main plot of the stories.
The image used was chosen by the author, following the location of one of the novels, set in Central Asia. However, it was completely modified in order to achieve the same dark atmosphere of the first book, as well as a similar color scheme.
The fonts and the golden tones of the typography are a detail of sophistication that had already been applied in the design of the first book cover.